
Add files and pictures to customer account, purchase orders, receipts, items, vendors and more!

What's on the Page?

Recent Attachments

"+ Attachment" Button- Select this button to add a new attachment from a field on your computer.

You can also add an attachment by clicking a file from your computer and dragging it over VMX POS.

Unassigned- These attachment have not yet been designated to any specific page of the POS. The files are all included in a table with the following information:

  • Number- The unique attachment number

  • Upload Date

  • Name

  • Type- Select from the drop down menu what type of attachment you would like the file to be. This classification will be shown on the page the attachment will be saved to.

  • Attached to- the page that the attachment was assigned to

  • Note- any notes added by the uploader

Recently Added/Assigned- The attachments that have been recently uploaded to the POS or recently assigned to a page. The files are all included in a table with the following information:

  • Upload Date

  • Saved Date

  • Name

  • Type- Select from the drop down menu what type of attachment you would like the file to be. This classification will be shown on the page the attachment will be saved to.

  • Attached to- the page that the attachment was assigned to

  • Note- any notes added by the uploader

All Attachments

A total database of all the attachments in the POS at the time.

The files are all included in a table with the following information:

  • Number- The unique attachment number

  • Upload Date

  • Name

  • Type- Select from the drop down menu what type of attachment you would like the file to be. This classification will be shown on the page the attachment will be saved to.

  • Attached to- the page that the attachment was assigned to

  • Note- any notes added by the uploader

Last updated