Understanding and Navigating the Register Page
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Understanding and Navigating the Register Page
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Anytime you are logged into VMX POS, you can click the "Register" button on the black ribbon on the top of the page.
The Register page is where all sales are tendered. You can also compile quotes, see who is clocked in, email customers, estimate delivery prices, and search customers, items on hand and out of stock items.
To unlock all the features of the Register page, enter your employee number, followed by the “-” symbol or clicking the “Emp #” button on the right hand panel.
Select the appropriate register number for the computer you are at.
Select Save
To see more feature of the configuration page, visit the “Register Configuration” tutorial
Enter your employee ID and then hit the “-“ key or click EMP # on the right hand panel on the screen, to unlock all of the register features.
Screensaver- If the Register page has been open for more than 30 seconds, a screensaver of your company logo will overlay the screen.
To remove the screensaver, move your mouse over the page, or press any key on the keyboard.
Register Name- The top left corner of the page will indicate which Register you will be making sales on.
Options- Selecting the "Options" button below the Register Name will allow you to email a customer a screenshot of the register page before a sale is made, print a quote, or print a full page of the register screen.
If a sale is already posted, the Options button will be replaced with a “Receipt #” button that includes the receipt number and performs the same functions. Next to this button will show the time of the sale and the employee who posted the sale.
If a sale is in progress, the button will read "In Progress" and will also perform the same functions as the "Options" button.
Status- Below the “Options” button, are the current time, the date, the number of the cash drawer you are making transactions with, and the division of the company you are making sales under.
The search bar is a great place to quickly lookup inventory from a customer's request. typing in the name of the requested item will automatically search your store's inventory. If your store has multiple locations, a side panel will appear to show you the inventory of the selected item at other locations. The register search bar is the central input area on the Register screen. It will intelligently search all inventory items for matches and then search the customer database.
You can enter information like name, PLU, size, phone number, address, and more to get a successful match.
There are also a few helpful keys that narrow the register search:
D: "department"
filters search by only including items in the department entered
Q: "number"
filters by items with a specific quantity
ex- Q: 5, will only include items with a quantity of 5
Q: > "number"
filters by items with quantities greater than or equal to the number entered
ex- Q:>10 BOXWOOD
Q:< "number"
filters by items with quantities less than or equal to the number entered
"space" 0
shows items matching your search even if they are out of stock
"space" 00
shows items matching your search if they are in stock or they are out of stock but have some on order
ex- JAP MAP 00
$: "number"
filters by items with a specific price
ex- $:5, will only include items with a price within 5% of $5.00
$:< "number"
filters by items with prices less than or equal to the number entered
$: > "number"
filters by items with prices greater than or equal to the number entered
ex- AZALEA $:>25
Any filtering keys can be combined! For example, you can search items in the Tree department that cost less than $99.99, have more than 5 in stock, and are in a 7 gallon pot: ⬇
Also, to search exclusively customer records, use "C:".
Receipt Notes or PO Number- Below the Items section, two toggle buttons are included to make an amendment to a receipt. You can add a note to include additional information to the receipt that a customer cannot see on their copy, and you can add a PO number to a customer’s receipt.
Email Receipt, Print Receipt, and Print Item Notes- the “Email Receipt”, “Print Receipt”, and "Print item notes" boxes can be checked and unchecked to include an emailed receipt, printed receipt, both, or neither or to include the notes made to items.
Auto Discount- the “Discount…” dropdown button allows you to toggle between automated discounts. You can select “None” or leave the dropdown on its default “Discount…” to not include discounts, or select “Landscaper Pricing”, “Military Discount”, or “Employee Discount” to have the designated discounts applied to the sale automatically as you add items.
Clocked in- the bottom of the screen below the Discount dropdown button will show the names of the employees clocked in real-time, or display “No one clocked in.”.
To return to the Configuration screen, select the grey word “Configuration” below the listed of clocked in employees at the bottom of the screen.
Landscaping Discounts- Selecting the file folder icon at the top of the screen to the left of your employee name, will pop up a list of your company's landscaper discount amounts.
Cameras Page- Selecting the camera icon to the right of the file folder icon, will redirect you to the Camera page of the POS
Selecting the “Customer Missing” icon at any point will redirect you to the Customer Search Page. If a customer is already added to the sale, whether completed or in progress, you can select the note icon to return to the Customer Search Page, or click the “x” icon to remove the customer but remain on the Register screen.
For more information on how to navigate the Customer Search Page, click Here
Subtotal- This part of the Tender Section will display the subtotal of the items currently included in the sale. This section will reflect any discounts on the sale.
For more information on how to navigate discounts, visit the Discounts Tutorial page.
Total- This part of the Tenders Section displays the total of the sale after all discounts, tax, and other amendments to the subtotal.
Balance Due- The Balance Due line of the Tenders Section will show the Balance still left to be tendered by the customer. Before any payment method is tendered, it will match the Total, and then show continuing balances as additional payment methods are added until the balance reaches zero or change is due.
The area to the right of the Tender Section is Buttons. These are essential to carrying out the various functions of the Register screen.
Cash- After entering an amount in the register search bar, click the “$-Cash” button to complete the tender.
Check- After entering the amount the check was written for in the register search bar, click the “$-Check” button to complete the tender and be prompted to enter the check number.
Credit Card- click the “$-Credit Card” button to manually enter credit card information and complete the tender.
House Card- click the “$-House Charge” button to charge the balance due to a customer’s account. Alternative amounts can be entered into the register search bar if the customer wants to charge more or less than their balance due.
Other Tender
Store Coupon- select this button to be redirected to the coupon page and select a valid coupon
Reward- select this option to apply a customers reward points to a sale
Credit Card (Web)- select this option to ring up a sale that was processed from your companies website
Discount- Select Discount after typing a percentage into the register search bar to discount the item you have highlighted on the screen, or highlight the Tender Section to discount all the items in a sale.
Account #- select this button to be redirected to the Customer Search page.
Consolidate Items- Select this button to consolidate items added to a sale that have the same PLU. This will make the receipt easier to read for the customer.
This feature can also be automated on the Register Configuration screen.
Delivery Estimate- Select this button to estimate the cost of delivery with the mileage. The screen will prompt you to add the customer’s address and then give you a price.
Division- Select this button to change the division of the store you would like to make a sale under.
Emp #- select this button after entering your employee number into the register search bar to log in.
Gift Card
Pay with- the “Pay with” option should be selected after entering the desired amount to use a gift card to tender a sale.
Sell- After typing the amount of money the customer would like to issue the gift card for, the “sell” button should be selected. You will then be prompted to enter a gift card number.
Usage history- Use this button to check the amount left on a gift card. The button will prompt you to enter the gift card number to access history.
Hold Sale- Using this button while a sale is in progress will put a sale on hold to be rung up at a later time. Using this button on an empty Register screen will redirect you to the Held Sales page
Another way to get to the Held Sales page is to highlight the Tender Section of the register screen and click the down arrow on your keyboard.
For more information on Held Sales click here.
Hot Buttons- This button will display options for commonly sold items to make them faster to ring up.
Add to PO- Select this button to add all of the items you have rung up on a sale to a purchase order. It will prompt you for the PO# you would like to add the items to.
Add Tags- This button will add the rung up items to the tag queue.
Make Combo- This button takes multiple items and combines them into a single item for sale.
For more on this, visit the Combo page
Group- Select this button to group several items on an invoice.
Create Reservations- This button allows you to reserve items that are rung up.
Convert to Payment- This button will convert the item/s highlighted to payments that will be credited to a customer’s account. This feature is commonly used when a customer is pre-paying for items.
Trash- This button will take out all the highlighted items on your sale out of inventory at the quantities you rang them up.
Store Use- This button takes the items rung up and set them aside for use in the store (not for sale).
Set Counts- Selecting this button allows you to set inventory counts for items that are rung up.
Manual Price- To change the price of an item, type in the desired price, select the “Manual Price” button and then enter the PLU.
Manual Sale- To manually sell an item without a PLU, enter the desired price, select the “Manual Sale” button and then enter the name of the product.
No Sale- Open the cash drawer without a cash or check transaction taking place (permission required).
Payment- select this button after entering an amount into the register search bar to create a line item for a payment to customer’s account.
Reprint Receipt- when on a completed sale page, this button will reprint the receipt. When on a sale in progress, this button will print a quote.
Return Item- This button will change the status of highlighted item/s to return during a sale.
NEW! Return Item (Validated)- Track your warranty and return items by attaching a previous receipt to a returned item using this button to keep your customer's transactions organized in their history.
Subtotal- This button will highlight the Tender Section of the Register screen.
Tax Shift- This button will add or remove tax from a sale in progress.
Void- This button will delete highlighted item/s from a sale in progress.
Another way to void items on a sale in progress is to highlight an item and then click the Delete button on your keyboard.
X/Z- This button closes registers. By selecting the button and then selecting “cancel” on the popup, the X tape will print, and you can see and confirm daily totals. By reselecting the button and selecting OK, the totals will be cleared from the register and the register will close.