
Summarize the items sold by department, item, or receipt, within customer time frames

What's on the Page?

Customizing your Item Report

Use the field in the top left area of the report to customize the item report. The top row of field uses calendar pop-ups to allow you to select the time frame used to populate the report table. Then filter by department, division, vendor, class, cashier, customer, PLU or Description. Then select the third row drop down to determine how to group the information. Select the "View" button when you are ready to populate the table.

Viewing the Report Table

Select any of the columns on the table to sort by that field

  • PLU- the item number, hyperlinked to the item page

  • Primary Vendor- the vendor in which you receive the product from most often

  • Last Sold- date in which the item was last sold

  • Last Received- date in which the item was last received

  • Description- the name and size of the item sold

  • Size- size of item

  • Quantity Sold- the number of the items sold, negative for returns

  • On Hand- the number of items in stock

  • On Order- the number of items ordered

  • Qty Start- shows the beginning quantity on hand for designated time period

  • Qty Received- shows the total quantity received over the designated time period

  • % Sold- the percentage of the quantity received sold over designated time period

  • $ Sales- the total sales dollars from the items sold

  • Cost Of Goods Sold- the cost of the items sold

  • Profit Dollars - the gross profit from the item sales

  • Margin- the margin of the sales of the item

  • Receipts- the number of receipts in the select specifications where the item was sold

Last updated