
  1. Specify which period you want to view at the top of this report

  2. You can also view the report in terms of item quantity or item cost by selecting the dropdown at the top of the page.

By clicking any of the department names, you can view a breakdown of the adjustments by item.

Different types of inventory adjustments included in this report include:

  • Cost- This represents a change in the manual cost if an employee changes the cost on the item page

  • Qty- This represents a change in the quantity of an item if an employee changes the quantity manually on the item page

  • Sales- This number represents the cost of goods sold on manual sales

  • Inventory Counts- When processing an inventory count, any discrepancies will be recorded in the column

  • Receive to Zero- When an item is oversold (sold into the negative) at a cost different than the received cost the difference is recorded here.

  • Warranty- If an item is used as a warranty replacement and given to a customer for free, the cost is recorded here

  • Store Use- If an item is used for store purposes, the cost is recorded here

  • Trash- If an item is "trashed" from the Inventory or Register screen, it is recorded here

Last updated