Totals Totals Totals

See sales for multiple locations!

What's on the Page?

The Totals Totals Totals report shows detailed reports for multiple locations at once.

  • Store: Store name

  • Qty: Number of items sold

  • #Sales: Number of sales

  • Sales $: Dollar amount of sales

  • %: Sales percentage

  • Cost

  • Profit $

  • %: Profit Percentage

  • Mrgn: Margin

  • Adjust $

  • % (of Sales): Adjust %

  • Net Profit

  • Net Margin

  • Receive

  • Transfer

  • Taxable

  • Non taxable

  • Tax

  • %: Tax percentage

Search Filter

Navigate between Day, WTD, MTD, QTD, YTD, Custom, Division, Department, PLU, and Class to find specific reports.

Last updated