Open to Buy - All

The Open to Buy- All Report summarizes the state of all your departments so you can see the departments where you are low inventory, compared to the amount of supply you prefer to have on hand

What's on the Page?

Report Inputs-

Specify your preferred months supply for each department in Inventory>Departments>Edit Icon>Turns field

  • Quantity field- Fill in the number of months you want the report to generate for the departments that don't have an already specified time frame.

  • Click the "View" button to regenerate the report after changing the quantity field. The report will automatically generate with 4 months when you navigate to the page.

Reading the Report

  • Department- Select the hyperlinked department name to be redirected to the Open to Buy- Items Report

  • Month Supply- The months supply being shown

  • Starting Cost- The cost of inventory in the department now

  • Dead Cost- The cost of Slow-selling inventory (not sold in 2 years or received in 11 months), select the cell to be redirected to the Items Not Selling Report for that department

  • On Order- The cost of items on order expected to arrive within the period specified for the department, select this number to generate a pop-up summary of the orders on the way.

  • Open to Buy- The recommended amount to spend on inventory in that department for the specified time frame

  • More Months- Select the Folder Icon to be redirected to the Open to Buy Report for that department

Last updated